
This makes me Sad

I am trying to describe why I am posting this, but it doesn't work.

But questions that come to me when I search this site are:
- Why do people make these pictures ?
- Is it somebody who put them on the web to seak publicity or want to shock with the disturbing titles. While the pictures where taken for an entirely different purposes ? (this is what I suspect) - Who would be so sick to show these pictures and think up of those titles.
- Makes me want to creep in people their minds, to understand them.



Hi, I'm Cheryl, a geochemist with an interest for sustainable development. said...

It is sick, but still it is good that they were taken and posted on the internet. Because now we can see them, and no longer say: "I did not know, I have nothing to do with it, this is not my world." Because hey, wake up! this IS your world, and this is also your responsibility and only if you know of it you can raise your voice and say: "NO MORE!" Because in a democratic world the world leaders should listen to us, the people. And they should not lie or mislead us, just to get an opportunity to show off that they are so good at being leaders during times of war.

Anonymous said...


Hi, I'm Cheryl, a geochemist with an interest for sustainable development. said...

dat meen je niet...