
Rubik's Cube

YOUHOU! Today I solved Rubik's cube!
For the third time in my life, as far as I can remember. The other two times were about one or two years ago. And just like then, it took me quite a long time now.
And a long time is something like weeks or months. But hey, I made it!

I started my latest Rubik's cube about two months ago, and the last few weeks I was pretty posessed by solving it. I even got a querrel about it with my boyfriend, who found it useless and a waste of time. So what? A lot of things we do are useless. Like sleeping! I only wish sleeping were not necessary! That would save so much time, during which you can do so much!

Anyway, I can remember that last time I used the strategy of solving a triangle, then solving all edges, then positioning some corners, solving again all edges, positioning new corners, solving again the edges, etc. In the end I kept undoing what I had, because each time there were about 2 or 4 block in the wrong place.

This time I used the strategy of solving a 2x2x3 block, adding a square to that, and then positioning the rest, until I kept three block wrong all the time. About two weeks ago I started wondering what there would be on the internet on Rubik's cube and I found the following site By Lars Petrus.
Even this site could not help me much further, but it did increase my skills in looking a few turns farther. So in the end, I solved the cube by using my noodles, as a certain professor would say.

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