Africa, step 1
The first steps have been made towards a few months of volunteering in Africa, so now here's a weblog as well. I chose to put my weblog here, because I don't have the impression that people take my personal weblog at geocheryl.com for serious. At least, no-one ever leaves comments. So maybe you prefer this 'real' blog?
let's hope so. and let me know..
So, what was done? Well, in December I filled in a taking-in form on the internet for the Yoho company. http://www.joho.nl/ and paid their 'borg'.
And now I've received a big load of information and advice. So the next step is just to read and find out what I want to do, and where.
I already have some ideas: I want to go to West-Africa, because we used to live there. And I want to go to a french-speaking country, to increase my skills in that. So I guess Senegal is a likely candidate. It is close to the Gambia, French-speaking, stable and safe (as far as I know) and on top of that they are well known for their djembe skills! So let's see whether there is something interesting around there..
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Hi, I'm Cheryl, a geochemist with an interest for sustainable development.
1/10/2007 11:36:00 PM