
Happy Easter!

First of all:


I have spent a very religiously week;
I watched 'the passion of the Christ', 'Dogma' and I got a comment on 'the bald Muslima', which of course is also about religion, and needs a reaction...
ow, and finally we have been talking about the Davinci Code, but I still need to read it.

no, one thing more: today the great news that the Gospel of Judas was found, and in translation! I am dying to know his version!

so, cheers

The passion of the Christ

What I think about the movie? exactly the same thing as the person who commented on IMDB.com, so I am not going to repeat all that.

I guess I was very prejudiced before seeing it, but I found it was not as bad, or cruel as I expected it to be. but it was not so good either.
Mel Gibson did a good job, but it could have been done better. Perhaps the amount of torture was a bit overdone, but hey, it's the story of the bible, none the less, so what you get is: the story of the bible, and none less.
So I recommend: only watch the film if you would read the bible. If you feel no urge to, or find joy in reading the bible, than don't watch this movie.

What I found remarcable is that I found the people in the movie, however cruel their actions, very real. Very human. I saw them, and the events happening, and it was so clear to me that the same thing would still happen today. People were no different 2000 years ago. They are no different now. Whether they are in Europe or in the Middle east, or on the north pole, they are all the same people with the same feelings, question and needs.
I did not see Jesus as our saviour or anything, I just saw a man who was put to death for no clear reason. And that is exactly what I read when I read the bible. So the movie is a very good addition to the bible. I find the bible a bit too hard to comprehend. The movie is much easyer.

great thumbs up for the devil. I loved its appearence.
this is a film which just had to be made. For the simple reason that it is a very famous and very well-known story.

I'd like to know the reactions of other people who've seen the movie... so please comment!


Great movie, with great approaches and questions for Chritianity, great performances, and the right people for the right acting. ow, and very brute violence, which I think is worse than in the Passion of the Christ!

But the most funny thing is that the movie was made by a Christian, as a celebration of his faith... And highly criticised by the christian community. Unbelievable.



pink, an underrated colour

that's my motto since recently, since more and more of my gardrobe has this colour, whereas I used to be very much opposing pink. People change, I guess.

A friend of mine attended me on the following peculiar similarities. Please compare:
the 6teens


club seventeen <-- so click it!

ow, and finally, last friday i came across this other pink lady:

and of course:

and finally:



wereld natuur fonds


Vanaf vandaag ben ik weer donateur van het wereld natuur fonds!

Sinds ik hier woon ontving ik al wel het blad panda, wat steeds fout geadresseerd was, want die meneer heeft hier naar mijn weten nooit gewoond. Maar zelfs na meerdere malen retour sturen ontving ik nogsteeds verzoeken tot betalen in de bus...

Maar dat is niet de reden. Vandaag las ik de panda, die op een leestafel lag, en ik vond hem nog leuk ook, en ik dacht: "ik was er altijd al lid van, waarom nu dan niet meer?"

Dus bij deze mijn bijdrage om de wereld te redden (ook al ben ik tegen het geven van geld)

check ook:
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