
on Veda's and Muslims

"Before the Prophet of Islam, Muhammad, brought the religion of Islam to Arabia, the Arabs were a polytheistic people. Hindu merchants frequently passed through Makkah, a major trading hub. Ancient Indian Vedic texts refer to Makkah as a place where Alla the Mother Goddess was worshiped. In Sanskrit, Alla means “mother.” This name was connected to the Hindu Goddess Ila. She was the consort of the Hindu God Śiva in his form known as Il, and this form of Śiva was known and worshiped in pre-Islamic Makkah."

from: http://http://www.quiddity-inc.com/id10.html


on mormons and gnostics

" Viewing the character of the deity of Genesis with a sober, critical eye, the Gnostics concluded that this God was neither good nor wise. He was envious, genocidal, unjust, and, moreover, had created a world full of bizarre and unpleasant things and conditions. In their visionary explorations of secret mysteries, the Gnostics felt that they had discovered that this deity was not the only God, as had been claimed, and that certainly there was a God above him.

This true God above was the real father of humanity, and, moreover, there was a true mother as well, Sophia, the emanation of the true God. Somewhere in the course of the lengthy process of pre-creational manifestation, Sophia mistakenly gave life to a spiritual being, whose wisdom was greatly exceeded by his size and power. This being, whose true names are Yaldabaoth (child of the chaos), Samael (blind god), and also Saclas (foolish one), then proceeded to create a world, and eventually also a human being called Adam. Neither the world nor the man thus created was very serviceable as created, so Sophia and other high spiritual agencies contributed their light and power to them. The creator thus came to deserve the name "demiurge" (half maker), a Greek term employed in a slightly different sense by philosophers, including Plato....

from On the Origin of the World:
Sophia sent Zoe, her daughter, who is called "Eve," as an instructor in order that she might raise up Adam, in whom there is no spiritual soul so that those whom he could beget might also become vessels of light. When Eve saw her companion, who was so much like her, in his cast down condition she pitied him, and she exclaimed: "Adam, live! Rise up upon the earth!" Immediately her words produced a result for when Adam rose up, right away he opened his eyes. When he saw her, he said: "You will be called 'mother of the living', because you are the one who gave me life."

Today I discovered that a week ago, I had a gnostic insight. After a visit to the website mormon.com, I wrote them an e-mail, which i was not able to send, because it was too long. I will quote a part of the letter here: and the entire letter can be read on my website www.geocities.com/cmvankempen

" God created our spirits in a sort of eternal place, and makes our spirits in such a way that they should develop. Part of their education is the school called earth, where the spirits learn what it is like to be living in a world like ours. Learn right from wrong, etc. We must learn this, to become more like our heavenly father himself. The school is also a test. Not everybody passes, some end up in hell, or must pay for their sins before returning to the spirit world.
You did not state a reason why the spirits develop, or what they develop to, other than becoming more like god. Assuming all stated is reality, then I cannot believe we develop to become more like god and then just sit and ' be' spirits, resembling god.
The information on your site raises the interpretation, that we are offspring of god (he is our heavenly father) and he is educating us to become gods ourselves (more like him), but not
necessarily on the same level as him. Like family ties on earth, the father always remains older, wiser, and higher in hierarchy. God himself is not perfect, since he made spirits that are not perfect. They must develop, and when on earth, they can proof to fail the test and turn out inappropriate to fulfil their purpose in the spirit world. These failed spirits are going to hell, which surely has a purpose as well, but I will not elaborate on that.
So we are being sorted out, and the reason for that is that our final purpose is too important to let spirits that were not capable to learn certain things get a chance to screw up in our work of 'final purpose'.
Now the clue: we are learning what it is to be on earth, to be tempted and to know right from wrong, because we one day will do the same thing as god did: create spirits and a world
for spirits to learn. And he wants us to do a better job than he did. The new worlds must be better, with more peace and righteousness, allowing the new generation of spirits to learn other things, so that they are more
evolved/intelligent. "

from: cmvankempen


" why take Oma als je Aap hebt "

from: aapvader J


welcome, to the first blog of my brand new blogging life

wowie, I've got my own blog! (really sounds like vomiting....)
All thankx to Sjoerd, because I wanted to reply on his and congratulate him with his latest achievements. And now look at this. Who would have thaught.
I wanted to start a blog on my own website, but that was too much work to create in an easy way. Actually its not that hard, It only gets hard when you get lots of posts and if you want people to be able to react.
Anyway, its not that I'm so interesting, that I really should have a blog. It's more my ego that wants to be heard from time to time and very occasionally gets entirely inspired and wants to tell the world about this thing I'' ve made up.
Hope I will be able to keep this up better than my website,

greetings to you all,
or maybe it is time to undust my own old greet:

pleins de calins


what's in the name

Blockbuster was the name of the largest conventional bomb used in World War II by the Royal Air Force and the United States Air Force. ... The name was given because a "Blockbuster" was capable of destroying an entire city block.

from: wikipedia, search on blockbuster

actually, I named my blog this way, because my beloved hated the caption 'cmvankempen', and I like the vomiting feeling of 'blugh' and the stupidity of the word 'blog'. So after some brainstorming, I came up with 'blog buster', because it has a meaning of success (in theatre and movie business, see wikipedia) And Of course, because of my big ego, my name just had to be included in the title. One of my alter's names is also included, because I felt like she was a bit absent lately, and I hope her to be a bit more present in the future, to give me inspiration and delivery in my normal life.

So, from now on, until it is changed, this blog is baptised: the Blog Buster: Cheryl Melati, Lamati